Week Count Topics Remarks
Week 1 • Introduction to Python
• Required Software
• Downloading and Installing VS Code and Python
• Understanding Python packages and package manager
• Installing pip
• Python version comparison and contrast
• Downloading and installing required software
Week 2 • Understanding basics of Visual Studio Code
• Guide regarding running python commands
• Virtual environment and how to setup and install virtual environment
• Basics of python syntax
• Writing first program
• Running first program
• Indentation
• Why is python typed in a beautiful format?
Week 3 • Data types
• Python data types details
• Basics of loop & iteration
• Type casting
• Arithmetic and logical operations in python
• Conditional Logic
Week 4 • Understanding different types of loops in python
• User input handling in terminal
• Practical experiment with previously learned topics
Week 5 • Python library and packages
• How to use pip3
• Why do we need package managers
• Important python libraries for regular usages
• Using python library to write various programs
Week 6 • What are functions?
• Built in functions
• User defined functions
• Importing user defined functions
• Writing function based on previous learning
Week 7 • Recursion / recursive functions
• Lambda functions
• Replace loop with recursive functions
Week 8 • Object Oriented Python
Week 9 • JSON
• File I/O in python
• HTTP Request in python
• Introduction to API
• Introduction to version control (GIT)
Week 10 • Python BeautifulSoup
• Python Selenium
Week 11 • Automation using Python
• Making Bots using python
Week 12 • Web Development in Python with Flask
• Web Development in Python with Django
Week 13 • Introduction to Desktop App development with python
• Packaging python app and distribution
• Basic understanding of Linux commands and server management
• Server setup for running python web app / other apps
• Deployment of Web App and API in python
• Deployment of Bots in python
• Secure coding principles
Week 14 • Freelancing with Python Basic
Week 15 • Freelancing with Python Advanced.
Week 16 • Introduction to problem solving using python
• Solving basic problems using python
• Course completion